Well, for my faithful readers who have not completely abandoned me, I am still alive.
I just can't seem to make time to sit in front of the computer for more than a few minutes at a time...and, if I am in front of my iPad it is because I am feeding or snuggling with a little one in which case I have very little ability to type well.
And, really, when it comes right down to it, my brain feels like mush most of the time.
I am sleep deprived and trying to keep my home in order.
I'm only sleep deprived because I have gotten use to having eight to ten hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. Ha! That isn't happening now.
But, I wouldn't change anything...not one thing.
I love my life.
I love my beautiful family.
I love holding a baby in my arms.
Life is good...very good, indeed.
So, what has been going on?
Well, since our trip North in August we have started school...this year we are in a Science co-op and enjoying spending time with friends.
We also have a weekly Ultimate frisbee game that the kids all attend.
We have enjoyed a few visits with my son and his wife as they have been down here for different occasions. Carrie finally looks pregnant!
Daisy was able to work up at a Homeschool camp and is working at piano, singing, and school. She is also taking a Spanish class and ASL class. I love the opportunities that have come together for her this year.
Miss M was working for the past five months and has a very busy Debate schedule. She seems to rarely be here...sniff, sniff. She has said that this is her last year of Debate and so we are working hard at getting to all of her meets this year and cheer her on. She is definitely a great speaker and is learning a lot.
Foley is doing fine. Nothing new...just school and play. He is also taking Spanish and has a knack for it as my friend tells me.
Brown Sugar finally has beautiful hair. I am learning...man, it is a lot of work! She is so hopeful that she will have long hair someday. Her permanent front teeth are now in which is the time that I say they no longer look like a toddler. She is a girl and a feisty one at that!
Sweet Pea is so stinkin' cute. She is very long and has the cutest chubby thighs. She just loves momma to the extent that she reaches for me even when in her dad's arms. She is definitely attached! She is eating regular food now and loves it although is quite a messy eater still.
Phil is almost done with his dissertation! He has been working very long hours. Writing a chapter a month is hard work. When he gets his chapters back from his dissertation committee chair it rarely has a mark on it. His grammar skills are amazing. Honestly, he should be an editor. He is hoping to be done in December which means that early Spring will be when he defends it and then in the late Spring he will walk the aisle for his PhD.
I am soooooo proud of him.
He has already started sending out the applications...we are really hoping to be able to stay in the Central Valley but we are also looking at other possibilities.
I am busy teaching, nursing, managing.
I still play the piano at church and have put together a choir for our church for Christmas this year....because I had a spare moment so spare?!?
We have had a wonderful, sweet family living with us for the past six weeks. They bought a house that needed some remodeling done and so we have enjoyed their company here. They are the reason why Brown Sugar's hair is looking so good! They have helped me with her hair and have been such nice help around the house as well. It looks like they will be leaving this week to move into their newly remodeled home.
I am full of gratefulness and thankfulness for so many things...
God Almighty, saving grace, the beauty of God's church, Philip, each and every one of my children, my children by marriage, our amazing local church community, my family, the many friends that God has blessed me with, my memories, my past, my home, coffee and good chocolate, a good dark beer, photos to help me remember all those wonderful memories, music, and the list goes on!
I hope that you are taking this month to truly be thankful for everything and everybody.
I have silently followed your blog for many years :) Thank you for the update on your lovely family...You didn't mention your oldest daughter..How is her preganancy?..just curious ;)
In Christ,
a mom of 8
Can I just say that your blog is truly inspiring? I really enjoy how you work in your Christian values. It's so important in today's world to do so! I think it's very neat that your daughter is learning to communicate in spanish and ASL. My grandma who lived with us for over 13 years was deaf and so we would often sign to each other. She died a little over a year ago and so thinking of ASL and how it relates to my grandma really touches me. I'm glad that so many kids are learning the language. I'm sure that many deaf people appreciate it. -Janie
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