Yesterday was an incredibly beautiful day up here in Central Oregon. This is one of the views that you experience between Sisters and Bend. There was hardly a cloud in the sky. Not today though. It is snowing flakes the size of quarters outside. We are in the midst of a heavy snowstorm which is likely to continue through tomorrow. The kids are
lovin' the fresh snowfall and I must admit it is beautiful...as long as I am inside!

So, what do you do when there is snow falling?
Goose, along with many of us, found a good book to read.

Miss M helped decorate the tree.

Boo and the rest of the kids strung cranberries and popcorn.

Daisy made eight of the nine reindeer.

Brown Sugar's little reindeer (along with her "pink" long hair).

Lil' Cowboy contributed as well.

When we are not decorating, reading, or playing games we like to nap around here. Well, at least Papa does with the little ones.

Yesterday we went to visit my elderly grandparents. My grandfather is one of those World War II
heroes. He is 90 and my grandmother is 83. I am sorry to say that I did not get a good picture of her. She is the prayer warrior in my life. She is continually on her knees and now the Lord shows her His mercies anew every morning as she takes care of my grandfather who has dementia. They have been married for 65 years and are a loving example to many generations.
My grandmother continues to wonder why her Lord has not taken her and my grandfather home even though He has chosen to take home Eric and my cousin, Zach.

Back to reality....when it snows there is a lot of work to do around here.
Goose is out scooping snow off the roof and
icicles from the gutters.

My dad bought a snow blower this year and had to go out twice today to make a path. And, by the way, it is still snowing! I am thinking we might get about a foot today.

We had to run to the store because our plans changed. We were going to travel to Portland on Christmas day but the roads are so bad that we are not able to make that journey. So, to the store we went...the store where everyone else was...the store where they have not gotten a shipment of food for three days now. Crazy! This is a photo from my iPhone while walking out of the store.

We were spreading good cheer to some friends of my parents. We took a moment to go inside and say hi to Joanne while dad stayed out and helped Ron break off
icicles and shovel the snow.

So, how deep is the snow? While we were visiting it snowed quite a few inches. This made it almost impossible for my van to make it out of the driveway. Yes, we got stuck. After quite a bit of shoveling and pushing we got out but practically slid all the way home.
We are going to have a very white Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Heather! Glad you are safe and warm with family!
How I'd have enjoyed meeting you! You are in my neck of the woods and we drove over the pass to Portland (which is even worse then Redmond/Bend! Unbelievable amount of snow here!)
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Heather. Hope you and yours continue to have a great time in the snow with family and love and warm fires and good eating. You know, all the things that go with Christmas.
A very blessed Christmas to you. I know that your heart will be longing for Eric today, nonetheless I pray that the Lord will give you joy and peace this day and all through the coming year.
The Wilsons in VA
Merry Christmas to you all!!! We are snow free this morning, headed over to see our working firefighter. May your day be blessed and we look forward to having you all home soon!!
Hugs and kisses to all!!
Love & Blessings, "Auntie Jean"
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