Monday, September 18, 2006


Since we brought home J and Brown Sugar life has been rather.....hectic. Today, I was musing over lunch and realized that really we had not changed one thing about our already very filled lives when we added two more children.
But, as I was continuing my musing I realized that there is really nothing that we would take out of our lives. We love the Young Families group that we connect with every other week. We love the families that our kids regularly help with household chores, babysitting and such. We love the many families that come through our doors weekly for dinner and fellowship. We love setting up and tearing down our church. I love the music in my life whether it is playing for our services or teaching others. We love homeschooling our children and watching them grow up.
We love our life. It is just busy.
But as busy as it is I can not complain at this time. I have a newfound friend that attends our church that has just been told that she has inoperable cancer on her brain. She is married to a wonderful guy and has three little ones.
As we sang, worshipped, and partook of the Lord's table this past Sunday, we were all reminded of the fact that our sister in Christ was in a hospital recovering from surgery. Life seems to be put in perspective when things like this happen to us or around us.
Yes, I am exhausted but what would I give up? Not one thing. We have few days to work for the Lord here on earth. We must take advantage of the time and rather then complain remind ourselves that our rest is in the life hereafter.
*****On a side note: Please pray for Karen. Her world changed completely within a matter of moments. God gives grace only when we need it and we have seen His grace shining through this family. We are now praying for complete healing if it be the Lord's will.

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