Thursday, November 9, 2006


There are many things that I treasure in life on this earth: reading the psalms, a very dry cappuccino, rain, reading a book to my little ones, playing the piano, the sound of the ocean waves, snuggling with Hubbie, anything with butter and garlic on it, listening to incredible music, the smiles of all my children and the list goes on and on (and in no certain order).
I have a new one to add to the list: holding my black baby. I am astounded at her beauty. Her skin is so soft and smooth. Her smile melts my heart daily. I love little fingers already but little black fingers are so cute. She pats me on the back when I hold her. She gives me kisses and cries when I leave the room. I love it when she lifts up my shirt to reveal my very white skin. It is funny to watch her expression go from questioning to laughing at the differences.
This morning as Hubbie and I were preparing for him to leave for a couple of days on church business I heard this little voice from our room, the crib to be precise. "Ma-ma, ma-ma". My heart leapt. I look forward to every new day to spend with my children. And, I am so grateful to be able to add Scharffy and Brown Sugar to the mix. Being greeted by all six children in the morning is another latest treasure that I am adding the ever increasing list.
As my list increases I am realizing that more of my thoughts are filled with a gratefulness and gratitude for all that I have. Cultivating a heart that is thankful for the little things in life helps us focus on those things that are more important then what the world deems worthy. And, hopefully molds our hearts into being more like Christ. That is the ultimate treasure.

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